Thursday, January 31, 2019

The 3 R’s To Buying Workers’ Compensation Insurance: Review, Reboot, Renew

As a business owner you know that Workers’ Compensation insurance is required by law; but did you know that each time you renew, your business has an opportunity to streamline your costs and methodology? The three R’s to buying workers’ compensation insurance might just help you better
understand what our goal is in helping you.

Review Your New York Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Have the needs of your business changed?
  • Did you add or lose employees this year?
  • Have there been any classification changes?

The key to having proper coverage is making sure that your policy reflects what is going on with your business “right now!” So what happens after you review & after you make sure that your level of workers’ compensation insurance is at the right level?

Reboot Your Business Insurance

We’re glad you asked! Now, it’s time to look at the company you’re insured with. Think of your upcoming policy renewal as an opportunity to start fresh! Or as we like to call it, Reboot! So what does that mean exactly? We’re glad you asked!

  • You want to find a company that can serve your needs with old school attention to detail while at the same time provide the most up to date
    methods of keeping in touch.
  • You want to find a company that understands that each workers’ compensation carrier has different rates for different class codes or
    industry classifications. You want them to find that carrier that perfectly matches your industry and thus offers the lowest rates for your
  • You want to find a company that will keep you up to date on a law that might change that has an effect on your bottom line or a streamlined
    way to file, help you file a claim so you don’t have to.
  • Renewing your Workers’ Compensation Insurance is your chance to make sure you’re not missing out on the best service and technology that can be offered.

Renew New York Workers Compensation Insurance Policy

Now you are ready to renew. We are here to answer all of your questions.

Call Enforce Coverage Group today to learn how our agents can quickly & easily take you through the rest of the process making sure you are getting
the best rate & service possible!

The post The 3 R’s To Buying Workers’ Compensation Insurance: Review, Reboot, Renew appeared first on Enforce Coverage Group.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

New York Warehouse Insurance: 5 Steps to Lower Workers Comp Costs

Is your warehousing business burdened by rising workers’ compensation costs? If so, you are not alone. Others in the industry have attempted to reduce insurance costs and spending by controlling internal activities, but we have a different approach. Our five-step plan helps you establish a safety program that is both compliant with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards and designed to stimulate continuous improvement, helping you spend fewer workers’ comp dollars through a holistic approach that protects your bottom line.

5-Step Approach to Lower New York Workers Comp Insurance for Warehouses

Our five-step approach leads to a well-rounded safety program that produces a safe work environment, achieves OSHA compliance, reduces accidents and ultimately reduces workers’ compensation costs. It includes the following:

  1. Developing an OSHA-compliant safety program
  2. Integrating the program into daily operations
  3. Investigating all injuries and illnesses
  4. Providing training to develop safety competence in all employees
  5. Auditing the program on a regular basis to promote continuous improvement

workers comp insurance for warehouses

Step 1: Develop an OSHA-compliant Safety Program

Aside from being a requirement for employers, OSHA standards provide a good pathway to incident reductions. Many accidents stem from poorly developed or implemented OSHA programs: slips or trips from not keeping walking and working surfaces clear, struck-by-vehicle injuries due to inattentive forklift driving and improper lockout/tagout procedures all can result in serious injury or death.

Many of the OSHA standards require some type of written program to be developed and then communicated to employees. Experience shows that companies with thoroughly developed, OSHA-compliant programs have fewer accidents, more productive employees and lower workers’ compensation costs.

Step 2: Integrate Program into Daily Operations

Policies alone won’t get results; the program must move from paper to practice to succeed. Putting a policy into practice requires a strategic plan clearly communicated to key participants, good execution of that plan based on developed competencies and a culture that inspires and rewards people to do their best.

As with any business initiative, the success of your safety program depends on putting supervisors in the best position to succeed. If your frontline supervisors understand the program and are motivated to make it work, the program succeeds; if not, the program is an endless drain on resources and energies. Providing supervisors with knowledge and skills through training is critical to the success of any program.

A solid OSHA program, integrated into the daily operation and led by competent supervisors, is just the beginning. Successful safety programs focus on being proactive instead of reactive. Accident investigations provide an excellent source of information on real or potential issues present in the workplace.

Worker Safety Warehouse Insurance

Step 3: Investigate All Accidents

Workers’ compensation is designed to recompense employees for injuries or illnesses that arise from or out of the course of employment. This should not come as a surprise, but increasing claims drive up workers’ compensation costs. To reduce those costs, you must reduce your accidents. And the ability to reduce accidents is significantly enhanced when accidents are fully investigated instead of simply being reported.

Accident reports cite facts; accident investigations go deeper to uncover the root cause of an accident and make improvements to prevent its reoccurrence. Businesses that are able to curb rising workers’ compensation costs have an effective accident investigation process that digs out the root cause of the problem. Unless the root cause is discovered, recommendations for improvement will remain fruitless. Again, training proves beneficial because a supervisor skilled in incident analysis is a better problem solver for all types of production-related issues, not just safety.

All workplace accidents should be investigated to find out what went wrong and why. Some may suggest investigating every accident is a bit over the top and that only those that incur significant costs are worthy of scrutiny, but this is shortsighted. If your emphasis is only on incidents that must be recorded on the OSHA 300 log, you close your eyes to the biggest accident category: first aid-only incidents. Many companies get upset about recordables or lost-time accidents because of the significant costs involved, but they don’t realize that the small costs and high numbers of first aid-only incidents really add up.

Statistics show that for every 100 accidents, 10 will be recordable and one a lost-time incident. If you investigate only recordables or lost time accidents, 89 incidents go unnoticed. Reducing serious accidents means you must reduce your overall rate of all accidents—including first aid-only incidents. That only happens when every incident is fully investigated to determine the root cause, and remedial actions are identified and integrated into the daily operation.

Step 4: Provide Safety-competence Training

Training plays a significant role in safety and in reducing workers’ compensation costs. The goal of training is to develop competent people who have the knowledge, skill and understanding to perform assigned job responsibilities. Competence, more than anything else, will improve all aspects of your business and drive down costs. Supervisors must have the knowledge and ability to integrate the safety program into their specific areas of responsibility. All employees must know what is expected of them when it comes to implementing safe work procedures.

Step 5: Audit New York Warehouse Insurance Program for Continuous Improvement

Once the programs are developed and implemented, they must be reviewed on a regular basis to make sure they are still relevant and effective.

Gain Rewards

These five steps might require a significant change in how you manage your safety program, but if your workers’ compensation rates are high, it may be time to make the leap:

  1. Studies indicate there is a return on investment and that companies see direct bottom-line benefits with a properly designed, implemented and integrated safety program.
  2. A competency-based safety program is compliant with OSHA requirements and reduces the threat of OSHA fines.
  3. A competency-based safety program reduces accidents, therefore decreasing overall workers’ compensation costs. When incidents do occur, a competency-based safety program fully evaluates the issue and finds the root cause to prevent reoccurrence and provides a workplace that is free from recognized hazards.
  4. A safer workplace creates better morale and improves employee retention. Auditing keeps programs fresh and effective and drives continuous improvement.
  5. A competency-based program produces people who are fully engaged in every aspect of their job and are satisfied and fulfilled in producing high-quality goods and services.

Partner with New York Workers Comp Insurance Experts

At Enforce Coverage Group, we are committed to helping you establish a strong safety program that minimizes your workers’ compensation exposures. Contact us today at (212) 947-4298 to learn more about our OSHA compliance and safety program resources as well as warehouse legal liability insurance coverage and other business insurance for your warehouse operations.

Source: Zywave

The post New York Warehouse Insurance: 5 Steps to Lower Workers Comp Costs appeared first on Enforce Coverage Group.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Brewery Insurance: Coverage Insights for Insuring Craft Breweries

In the past 30 years, the number of brewers in the United States has grown from under 100 to more than 2,400. Of these breweries currently in operation, almost 98 percent are considered regional craft brewers, microbreweries or brewpubs. With this continued trend, insurers have begun to offer more effective brewery insurance policies to address the unique exposures faced by this ever-expanding section of the industry.

Given their size and average output, the needs of craft brewers vary greatly from the larger, more traditional breweries. While larger breweries can primarily be described as manufacturing outfits, it is not uncommon for craft breweries to be run in conjunction with restaurants or pubs, often operating in the same location.

Selecting the Right Brewery Insurance Coverage

In addition to the general and property liability coverages that every New York craft brewery business should carry, the following policies help protect against common exposures faced by craft brewers:

  • Boiler and machinery coverage: Many smaller breweries are not able to handle the production interruption caused by the loss of a key piece of equipment. This coverage can help with repair or replacement costs for damaged equipment as well as cover losses resulting from production interruption and downtime.
  • Supply chain insurance: Many craft breweries do not keep large stocks of ingredients on hand, making regular shipments from suppliers essential. Supply chain insurance will cover losses resulting from decreased production or increased production costs in the event that one or more of your suppliers is unable to provide the materials you need.
  • Spoilage and product recall: If a batch of beer is contaminated during the brewing or packaging process or spoils before distribution, a provision for spoilage can cover the initial production cost as well as lost revenue. If a contaminated batch isn’t caught before shipping and the beer makes it to store shelves, coverage for product recall can help offset the costs of removing the tainted product and replacing it.
  • Liquor liability: Regardless of whether you have a full-service bar or offer beer tastings after tours, liquor liability is essential to cover damages to persons and property caused by patrons who were over-served at your establishment.

By mixing and matching these policies based on the unique needs of your operation, you can obtain maximum coverage at an affordable price. Some insurers offer these coverages in packages specifically for craft brewers that can be further tailored to address the needs of your individual operation. If your operation involves a restaurant or other type of food service, you will need to consider additional coverage for related exposures.

Brewery Insurance Program New York City

Work With a Brewery Insurance Expert

The world of craft brewing is rapidly expanding, and as it does insurers are becoming increasingly effective at identifying and addressing its diverse risks. New combinations and specially structured coverages are constantly being made available to brewers. By working with the experts at Enforce Coverage Group, you can be sure that you are being provided with the latest options in brewing coverage. Let us help you build a comprehensive package that will cover all of your exposures, no matter how unique. Request an insurance quote or call us today (212) 947-4298.

Source: Zywave


This Coverage Insight is not intended to be exhaustive nor should any discussion or opinions be construed as legal advice. Readers should contact legal counsel or an insurance professional for appropriate advice.

The post Brewery Insurance: Coverage Insights for Insuring Craft Breweries appeared first on Enforce Coverage Group.

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